IOS Mobile App Development

In this iOS App development course, we’ll let you create an iPhone app that records conversations between you and a friend and then makes your voice sound like a chipmunk or Darth Vader. This iPhone mobile app training course will introduce you to iOS app development in Apple’s new programming language, Swift, and serve as your launching point in the iOS application development course.


  • Our iPhone iOS App Development Course can help you get off to a running start in iPhone, iPod and iPad app development.
  • Learn iphone mobile app training from expert Objective-C & SWIFT developers with years of experience in Apple’s iPhone SDK and Mac OS X development tools and frameworks.
  • You’ll be creating working iPhone and iPad Apps in class within a few, fast-paced days.

You will understand the entire iPhone Apps Development Cycle from start to end in iOS application development course.

Course Curriculum

1 – Introduction to MAC OS-X latest
  • Introduction to MAC OS-X latest 10.x
  • Working with Desktop Visual Environment
  • Working with Desktop Preference Settings
  • MAC Security Settings
2 – X-Code
  • Introduction & Features
  • Configuring for iPhone and MAC
  • Exploring the Interface Builder
3 – Objective-C (Pre-requisite : C) / Swift (Pre-requisite : Core Java)
  • Introduction
  • Compiling and Running Programs
  • Explaining First Hello World Program
  • Underlying C Programming
  • Data Type and Expression
  • More on Data Type and Expression
  • Program Looping
  • Making Decision, Pre-Processor
  • Object and Classes, Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Working with Property and Self
  • Categories and Protocols, Delegates
4 – Foundation Framework – COCOA
  • Introduction
  • Number, String and Collections
5 – Introduction to iPhone
  • What is iPhone, iPhone Help
6 – iPhone SDK
  • What is iPhone SDK
  • Development Framework
  • iPhone SDK Setup
  • X-Code with iPhone
  • iPhone Simulator
7 – iPhone Architecture
  • iPhone Architecture
  • iPhone GUI & Package
  • iPhone Applications
  • iPhone Application Framework
  • iPhone Libraries
  • Interface Builder
  • Outlet, IB Action
  • Action
8 – Creating User Interface
  • iPhone UI Design using Interface Builder
  • Creating First Hello World Program
9 – Programming Storyboard and XIB Files
  • Handling Multiple UI
  • Data sharing between UI
10 – Programming User Attention
  • Alert Views
  • Input from Text Views
  • Action Sheet
11 – Controls Programming
  • Label, Edit Text, Text Field
  • Text View, Buttons
  • Handling Images
  • Animation, Steppers
  • Sliders, Switches
  • Segmented Control
  • Web Views, Scrolling Views
  • Activity Indicator View
  • Progress View, Table View
  • Table View Cell
  • Date Picker, Tab Bar
  • Bar Button Item
  • Flexible Space Bar Item
12 – Programming Media
  • Playing Audio Files
  • Playing Video Files
13 – Integration with other Application / Apps
  • Address Book
  • Twitter, Facebook, Google
  • MAP
  • E-mail
14 – Reading and Writing Application Data
  • Accessing Application Default Preference
  • Accessing iPhone File Systems
15 – Database access using Core-Data
  • Assessing Core-Data
16 – Auto Layout
  • Responsive Layout for any screen size
17 – Database access using Realm
  • Faster access to database
18 – Access 3rd Party from GIT hub
  • AF Networking, MF side menu, expandable table view

Enroll Here For The Course

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