Full Stack - .Net

Full Stack - .Net Developer Course

Even as we speak, the world is changing due to the digital era. These days, every business is coming online as a clever approach to reach customers. As one of the most well-known and extensively utilised frameworks available,.NET has an impact on a variety of business websites and applications.

As a result, there is a huge demand for qualified Dot Net Full Stack developer to handle the client and server side front end and back end. This course provides access to training on real-time application development along with a thorough introduction and comprehension of CI/CID, Docker, ASP.NET Core, and other topics.

  1. Practical expertise in creating real-world websites using HTML 5 and CSS 3.

  2. Discover how to easily create stunning, responsive websites with the most recent version of Bootstrap.

  3. Describe the fundamentals of full-stack programming and include key ideas such as variables, data types, conditions, arrays, strings, iterations, and methods. Also include ORM, Asp.net Core, and so forth.

  4. Discover the fundamentals of front-end and back-end development.

  5. To familiarise oneself with the newest technology in web development.

Full-Stack .NET Developer Course Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction to Full-Stack Development
  • Overview of Full-Stack Development
  • Role and Responsibilities of a Full-Stack Developer
  • Course Structure and Learning Path
Module 2: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Lesson 1: HTML

    • Basics of HTML
    • HTML5 Features
    • Semantic Elements

Lesson 2: CSS

    • Basics of CSS
    • CSS3 Features
    • Flexbox and Grid Layout
    • Responsive Design

Lesson 3: JavaScript

    • Basics of JavaScript
    • ES6 Features
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Event Handling
Module 3: UI Frameworks

Lesson 1: React.js

    • Introduction to React
    • Components, Props, and State
    • Lifecycle Methods
    • Hooks
    • Routing with React Router

Lesson 2: Angular

    • Introduction to Angular
    • Components, Services, and Modules
    • Dependency Injection
    • Angular Forms
    • Routing and Navigation

Lesson 3: Node.js

    • Introduction to Node.js
    • Setting up a Node.js Project
    • Node.js Modules
    • Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
Module 4: Introduction to C#

Lesson 1: Basics of C#

    • C# Syntax and Semantics
    • Data Types and Variables
    • Control Structures

Lesson 2: OOP in C#

    • Classes and Objects
    • Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, and Abstraction
Module 5: Advanced C#

Lesson 1: Collections and Generics

    • List, Dictionary, HashSet
    • Generics in C#

Lesson 2: Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions

    • Using Delegates and Events
    • Lambda Expressions

Lesson 3: Asynchronous Programming

    • async and await
    • Task Parallel Library (TPL)
Module 6: .NET Core and ASP.NET Core

Lesson 1: Introduction to .NET Core

    • .NET Core vs .NET Framework
    • Setting up .NET Core Environment
    • Building a Console Application

Lesson 2: ASP.NET Core Basics

    • Introduction to ASP.NET Core
    • Middleware and Routing
    • Dependency Injection
    • Creating and Using Controllers

Lesson 3: Razor Pages and Blazor

    • Introduction to Razor Pages
    • Introduction to Blazor
    • Building Interactive UIs with Blazor
Module 7: Data Persistence

Lesson 1: Entity Framework Core

    • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
    • Code-First and Database-First Approaches
    • Migrations

Lesson 2: LINQ (Language Integrated Query)

    • Basics of LINQ
    • Querying Collections with LINQ
    • LINQ to Entities
Module 8: Web API Development

Lesson 1: Building RESTful APIs

    • Designing RESTful Services
    • Implementing CRUD Operations
    • Using Swagger for API Documentation

Lesson 2: Security in Web APIs

    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Implementing JWT Authentication
    • Securing Web APIs with OAuth
Module 9: Building Full-Stack Applications

Lesson 1: Connecting Front-End and Back-End

    • Making HTTP Requests from Front-End
    • Consuming RESTful APIs

Lesson 2: Authentication and Authorization

    • Implementing Security with ASP.NET Identity
    • Role-Based Authentication

Lesson 3: Deployment

    • Containerisation with Docker
    • CI/CD Pipelines with Azure DevOps
    • Deploying Applications to Cloud Platforms (Azure, AWS)
Module 10: Capstone Project
  • Project Planning and Implementation
  • Building a Full-Stack Application
Module 11: Final Assessment
  • Course Review
  • Final Examination
  • Certification
6 Months /250 Hours Training on DOTNET

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