Android Mobile App

Android is a popular and powerful Linux based operating system designed especially for mobile and smartphone users. In this fast-paced technology world, Android secured its place by attracting the big crowd via its various smartphone applications and specifications. To become an Android developer, you need to be strong in Java Programming. So join us immediately to develop and launch your own android apps in Android Google Play Store.
We start training our students from, “What is Mobile Application Development?” and “Why Android?”. From day 1, our trainers will help you with many real-time examples for better understanding. We customize our Android course to suit each and every student in a unique way. Our Android App Development course curriculum includes all the major topics such as Android application architecture, components, layouts, views & widgets, menus & messages, intent & intent filters, services, SQLite and lot more. We can straight away hit application development concepts if you are already good at Core Java programming. To make you proficient in Mobile Application, we also give Android tutorial sessions.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Getting to Know Android

Prologue of Mobile App Development

  • Introduction to Mobile App Development
  • History and Evolution

Mobile App Development Platform

  • Overview of Different Platforms
  • Comparison and Use Cases

Comparison and Use Cases

  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Examples of Native Apps

Cross-Platform App Development

  • Overview and Tools (e.g., Flutter, React Native)

Android vs iOS

  • Key Differences and Market Share

What is Android?

  • Introduction to Android OS
  • Features and Capabilities

Android Versioning

  • History and Evolution of Android Versions
  • Key Features of Each Version

Android Development Platforms

  • Tools and IDEs (Android Studio, Eclipse)

Android Architecture

  • Components of Android Architecture
  • Linux Kernel, Libraries, Android Runtime, Application Framework, Applications
Module 2: Installation and Basics of Android

Installing the Android Studio

  • Step-by-Step Installation Guide
  • Configuring the IDE

Installing the ADT Plugin and Eclipse

  • Setup and Configuration

Setup of Android Project

  • Creating a New Project
  • Project Configuration

Android Project Structure

  • Overview of Project Files and Directories
Module 3: Core Java and its Role in Android Programming

Java Programming Fundamentals

  • Basic Syntax and Structure
  • Variables, Data Types, and Operators

Control Structures

  • If-Else, Switch, Loops (For, While, Do-While)

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

  • Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction

Exception Handling

  • Try-Catch, Finally
  • Custom Exceptions

Collections Framework

  • List, Set, Map Interfaces
  • ArrayList, HashMap, Vector Class


Module 4: Building Blocks and Android Components


  • Overview and Types of Services


  • Implicit and Explicit Intents

Fragments and Activities

  • Lifecycle and Management

Storage Options

  • Internal, External, and Shared Preferences

Intent Filters

  • Usage and Implementation

Broadcast Receivers

  • Registration and Usage
Module 5: Becoming Familiar with the UI Design

Widget Controls

  • Basic Widgets: Button, TextView, EditText

Single Screen Design

  • Layouts and Views

Multiple Screen Design

  • Fragment Management

Scrollable Design

  • ScrollView and NestedScrollView

Reusable Forms

  • Creating Reusable Components

UI Components

  • CheckBox, RadioButton, ProgressBar, SeekBar

Material Design

  • Principles and Components

Advanced Views

  • ListView, ImageView, GridView

Notifications and Dialogs

  • Creating and Managing Notifications
Module 6: Functioning with Layout Techniques

Layouts in Android

  • LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, TableLayout

Designing Layouts Using XML

  • Best Practices and Guidelines
Module 7: Phases of Activity

Lifecycle Methods

  • Understanding Activity Lifecycle
Module 8: Learning the Android Application Structure

XML Layout Files Structure

  • TextView and EditText Components

Values XML Files

  • Strings, Colors, Styles

Resource Directories


Drawable and Mipmap Folders

  • Differences and Usage
Module 9: Emulator and Application Development

Launching the Emulator

      • Configuration and Usage

Building Android Applications

  • Practical Development and Debugging

Logcat Operations

  • Analyzing Logs and Debugging


  • Device Monitoring and Management
Module 10: Learning Intents

Explicit Intents

  • Usage and Examples

Implicit Intents

  • Usage and Examples

Native Applications with Intents

  • Integration and Usage

Switching Activities

  • Data Transformation between Activities

Intent Filters

  • Configuration in Manifest
Module 11: Services

Service Lifecycle

  • Understanding Service Lifecycle


  • Creating and Managing Notifications

Bound Services

  • Usage and Implementation

Foreground Services

  • Usage and Best Practices
Module 12: Learning SQL and SQLite

SQL Basics

    • DDL and DML Queries

SQLite in Android

    • Database Creation and Management

SQL Functions

  • Aggregate, Date & Time, JSON Functions
Module 13: Data Storage and Permissions

Data Storage Options

    • Flat Files, Content Providers, Shared Preferences

SQLite Database

    • CRUD Operations

Realm Database

    • Integration and Usage

MySQL Connectivity

    • Remote Database Integration


    • Encrypted Database Usage

Permissions System

    • Managing App Permissions
Module 14: Web Services


    • Concepts and Implementation

Libraries for Networking

    • Volley, Retrofit

JSON Handling

    • Parsing and Handl ing JSON Data
Module 15: Broadcast Receivers

Lifecycle and Usage

  • Registration and Implementation


  • Managing Required Permissions
Module 16: Working with Media

Audio Applications

    • Building and Managing Audio Apps

Video Applications

    • Building and Managing Video Apps
Module 17: Connectivity

Wifi and Bluetooth

    • Managing Connectivity


    • Integrating and Using Sensors

Messaging and Email

    • Sending SMS and Emails

Camera Integration

    • Using Camera Features


    • Advanced Notification Techniques
Module 18: Advanced Android Concepts

Advanced UI Components

    • ViewPager, RecyclerView, CardView

Material Design

    • Implementing Material Design Components

Navigation Drawer

    • Sliding Menu Implementation

Toolbar and Floating Action Button

    • Customization and Usage
Module 19: Third-party Integrations

Firebase and Google Cloud Messaging

    • FCM and GCM Integration

Advertisement and Analytics

    • AdMob Integration

Social Media Integration

    • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Integration

MySQL/PHP Connection

  • Backend Integration
Module 20: Publishing the Apps

Testing the Android App

    • Testing Techniques and Tools

Prerequisites for App Launch

    • Checklist and Best Practices

Publishing Process

    • Steps to Publish on Google Play Store

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