Mern Stack

What is Mern Stack?

This Full MERN Stack course delivers a comprehensive learning experience in web development using the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Participants will gain hands-on skills in building dynamic, data-driven web applications, from designing responsive front-end interfaces with React to managing server-side logic with Node.js and Express.js, and handling database operations with MongoDB. The course covers everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques, preparing students to develop and deploy full-stack applications with confidence.

Mern Stack Course Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction to Full-Stack Development
  • Overview of Full-Stack Development
  • Role and Responsibilities of a Full-Stack Developer
  • Course Structure and Learning Path
Module 2: Introduction to HTML5
  • Introduction
  • UI Developer Roles and Responsibilities
  • UX Designer Roles
  • Technologies Needed
  • Power of UI
  • Current Market Requirements for UI
Module 3: Basic Technologies Needed
  • Difference Between Front-End and Back-End
  • Sample Web Pages
  • Crawling and Meta Tags
Module 4: Basic HTML
  • Exploring Existing Pages
  • Browsers & Editors
  • DOM
  • Structure of an HTML Page
  • Mandatory Tags (html, head, body)
  • Heading Tags (H1…H6)
  • Tags and Attributes (Class, Id, style, etc.)
  • Inline and Block Level Elements
Module 5: Advanced HTML
  • More HTML Tags
  • Including External Page Links Using Anchor Tags
  • Working with Row and Column Data Using Table Tags
  • Hiding and Un-hiding Elements Using Display Property
  • img, p, ul, ol, li, hr Tags
  • Layouts, Forms, Buttons
  • Input Fields (textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text area, etc.)
  • Debugging HTML & CSS (Firebug, IE, and Chrome Developer Tools)
  • Creating Tabs and Menu Lists
Module 6: HTML5 Features
  • Geolocation
  • Video Tag
  • Audio Tag
  • SVG
  • Form Elements
  • Get & Post Communication
  • Validating Input Values in a Form
  • Form Action and Type
Module 7: CSS Fundamentals
  • Basics of CSS
  • CSS3 Features
  • Selectors and Combinators
  • Box Model
  • Flexbox and Grid Layout
  • Responsive Design
  • Animations and Transitions
  • Positioning and Display
  • Media Queries
  • CSS Variables
Module 8: Capstone Project

Project Planning and Implementation

    • Developing a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy
    • Implementing SEO, SEM, SMM, and Content Marketing Tactics
    • Analysing and Reporting on Campaign Performance
Module 9: JavaScript Basics
  • JavaScript Basics
  • ES6 Features
  • Data Types and Variables
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Control Structures
  • Functions
  • Arrays and Objects
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Event Handling
  • Asynchronous Programming (Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await)
  • Error Handling
Module 10: Angular Fundamentals

Lesson 1: Introduction to Angular

    • Setting Up Angular Environment
    • Angular CLI
    • Creating and Running Angular Applications

Lesson 2: Components and Templates

    • Creating Components
    • Templates, Data Binding, and Directives
    • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Lesson 3: Services and Dependency Injection
    • Creating and Using Services
    • Dependency Injection in Angular
    • Observables and RxJS
Module 11: Advanced Angular

Lesson 1: Angular Forms

    • Template-driven Forms
    • Reactive Forms

Lesson 2: Routing and Navigation

    • Setting Up Routes
    • Route Parameters and Guards

Lesson 3: HTTP Client

    • Making HTTP Requests
    • Handling Responses and Errors
    • Interceptors and Caching
Module 12: Node.js Basics
  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Setting Up Node.js Environment
  • Understanding Node.js Architecture
  • Node.js Modules
  • File System and Events
  • Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
Module 13: Express.js
  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Setting Up Express Application
  • Middleware in Express
  • Building RESTful APIs
  • Creating Routes and Controllers
  • Handling HTTP Methods
  • Middleware for Validation and Authentication
Module 14: MongoDB & Mongoose

Lesson 1: Introduction to MongoDB

    • Basics of NoSQL Databases
    • Introduction to MongoDB
    • Installing MongoDB
    • MongoDB Shell and CRUD Operations
    • MongoDB Compass

Lesson 2: Mongoose with Node.js

    • Introduction to Mongoose
    • Setting Up Mongoose
    • Defining Schemas and Models
    • Advanced Mongoose Features
    • Schema Validation
    • Middleware and Query Helpers
    • Population and Aggregation
Module 15: Connecting Front-End and Back-End
  • Setting Up Angular with Node.js
  • Making HTTP Requests from Angular
  • Connecting Angular Front-End with Node.js Back-End
  • Implementing JWT Authentication
  • Protecting Routes in Angular and Express
Module 16: Advanced Topics
  • Real-Time Features with
  • Setting Up on Server and Client
  • Implementing Real-Time Communication
  • Error Handling and Logging
  • Error Handling Strategies in Express
  • Logging with Morgan and Winston
Module 17: Deployment
  • Docker and Containerization
  • Docker Basics
  • Creating Docker Containers for Node.js and Angular Applications
  • Deploying to Cloud Platforms
  • Deploying to Heroku, AWS, or Azure
  • CI/CD Pipelines with GitHub Actions or Jenkins
Module 18: Capstone Project
  • Project Planning and Implementation
  • Developing a Full-Stack Application Using MEAN Stack
Module 19: Final Assessment
  • Course Review and Q&A
  • Final Examination
  • Certification and Career Guidance

Technologies related to MERN Full Stack Web Development:

Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Styled Components, Material UI
Back-End: NodeJS
Database: MongoDB

Full Stack developer training is a specialized and job oriented short-term training course, which is appropriate for learners who wish to make a career in web development area. The individuals will learn to build complex server-side web applications using a highly effective relational databases tool to store data and develop a secure Linux dependent server network along with setting up cloud-based software hosting.

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