React JS

React JS Course

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It enables developers to create reusable components, making it easier to maintain and scale applications. ReactJS is also known for its declarative nature, where you describe what you want to see on the screen, and React takes care of updating the DOM efficiently. This makes ReactJS a powerful and efficient tool for building modern web applications.

React.js Course Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript

Lesson 1: JavaScript Basics

    • JavaScript Statements and Keywords
    • Writing JavaScript Programmes
    • JavaScript Operators and Functions

Lesson 2: Function Parameters and Return Types

    • Defining Functions
    • Using Parameters
    • Returning Values from Functions

Lesson 3: Data Types and Primitive Types

    • Understanding Data Types
    • Working with Primitive Types (String, Number, Boolean, Null, Undefined, Symbol)
Module 2: Working with Objects

Lesson 1: Object-Orientated Programming

    • Object Creation
    • Adding Properties and Methods to Objects

Lesson 2: JavaScript Loops and Iteration

    • For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop
    • Iterating Over Objects and Arrays

Lesson 3: Advanced Object Operations

    • Enumerating Properties
    • Callbacks and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Module 3: Conditional Statements and Loops

Lesson 1: JavaScript Conditional Statements

    • If, Else, Else If
    • Switch Statements

Lesson 2: Iterating and Enumerating Properties

    • For…in, For…of Loops
    • Object.keys, Object.values, Object.entries
Module 4: Introduction to React

Lesson 1: What is React?

    • Why Use React?
    • React Version History
    • Comparison: React 16 vs React 15

Lesson 2: Setting Up React

    • Using create-react-app
    • Anatomy of a React Project
    • Running and Debugging Your First React App
Module 5: Templating with JSX

Lesson 1: Understanding JSX

    • JSX Syntax
    • Working with React.createElement
    • Embedding Expressions in JSX

Lesson 2: Using JSX Effectively

    • Using Logical Operators
    • Specifying Attributes and Children
    • Using Fragments
Module 6: Components in React

Lesson 1: Component Architecture

    • Significance of Component-Based Architecture
    • Types of Components: Functional, Class-Based, Pure Components

Lesson 2: Component Composition

    • Creating and Composing Components
    • Working with State and Props

Lesson 3: State and Props

    • Understanding State and Its Significance
    • Reading and Setting State
    • Passing Data with Props
    • Validating Props with PropTypes
    • Default Props
Module 7: Rendering and Event Handling

Lesson 1: Rendering Lists

    • Using React Key Prop
    • Iterating with Map Function

Lesson 2: Event Handling in React

    • Understanding React Event System
    • Synthetic Events
    • Passing Arguments to Event Handlers
Module 8: Component Lifecycle and Error Handling

Lesson 1: Component Lifecycle Methods

    • Understanding Lifecycle Methods
    • Using Lifecycle Methods in Class Components

Lesson 2: Handling Errors

    • Error Boundaries
Module 9: Working with Forms

Lesson 1: Controlled and Uncontrolled Components

    • Controlled Components
    • Uncontrolled Components

Lesson 2: Handling Form Data

    • Using Default Value Prop
    • Using React Refs
Module 10: Context API

Lesson 1: Introduction to Context

    • What is Context?
    • When to Use Context

Lesson 2: Using Context

    • Creating and Providing Context
    • Consuming Context in Functional and Class Components
Module 11: Code-Splitting

Lesson 1: What is Code Splitting?

    • Importance of Code Splitting

Lesson 2: Implementing Code Splitting

    • Using React.lazy and Suspense
    • Route-Based Code Splitting
Module 12: Hooks in React

Lesson 1: Introduction to Hooks

    • What are Hooks?
    • Why Use Hooks?

Lesson 2: Using Hooks

    • estate and use effect Hooks
    • Rules of Hooks
    • Custom Hooks
Module 13: Routing with React Router

Lesson 1: Setting Up React Router

    • Introduction to Single Page Applications (SPA)
    • Browser Router and Hash Router Components

Lesson 2: Configuring Routes

    • Route Component and Switch Component
    • Dynamic Routing with Route Params
    • Nested Routes
    • Navigation with Link and NavLink Components
    • Redirect and Prompt Components
    • Handling Failed Matches with Pathless Route
Module 14: State Management with Redux

Lesson 1: Introduction to Redux

    • What is Redux?
    • Why Use Redux?

Lesson 2: Core Concepts of Redux

    • Redux Principles
    • Setting Up Redux
    • Creating Actions, Reducers, and Store
Module 15: Working with APIs

Lesson 1: Fetching Data from APIs

    • Using Fetch API
    • Axios Basics

Lesson 2: Handling API Responses

    • Managing Loading States and Errors
    • Displaying API Data
Module 16: Testing in React

Lesson 1: Introduction to Testing

    • Importance of Testing
    • Types of Tests

Lesson 2: Testing React Components

    • Setting Up Testing Environment
    • Writing Unit Tests with Jest
    • Testing Components with React Testing Library
Module 17: Performance Optimisation
  • Lesson 1: Optimising React Performance
    • Memorisation with useMemo and use callback
    • Lazy Loading and Code Splitting
  • Lesson 2: Profiling React Applications
    • Using React Profiler
    • Identifying and Fixing Performance Bottlenecks
Module 18: Deployment

Lesson 1: Preparing for Deployment

    • Building a Production Version of a React App
    • Environment Variables

Lesson 2: Deployment Options

    • Deploying to Netlify
    • Deploying to Vercel
    • Deploying to AWS and Heroku
Module 19: Capstone Project
  • Project Planning and Implementation
  • Developing a Full-Stack Application Using React
  • Integrating with a Backend (Node.js, Express, MongoDB)
Module 20: Final Assessment
  • Course Review and Q&A
  • Final Examination
  • Certification and Career Guidance

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